02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
7 October 2024

Ethics of AI Use in the Profession

State of the Industry / Profession

ASCE's Code of Ethics directs engineers to "consider the capabilities, limitations, and implications of current and emerging technologies" in delivering professional services, and perhaps no other technological advancement today offers as much risk and opportunity for the engineeing professional as artificial intelligence. While it poses tremendous capabilities for data analysis, project management, and design optimization, the application of AI in engineering service may be limited by questions of integrity, reliability, and neutrality of AI decisions, along with concerns about its implications in terms of privacy, security, and the appropriate balance of machine learning versus human expertise. 
This session will convene a panel of professionals to discuss AI's potential to transform the delivery of engineering services, and how the ethical professional can best mitigate concerns about its application.

1 PDH.
