Speaker Position
Michael Avery
Bilal Ayyub Professor, University of Maryland; Director, Center for Technology & Systems Management
Illya Azaroff
Amanda Bergeron
Austin Cho
Barry Chung
Gerard Dalziel
Benjamin DeAngelo Deputy Director of the Climate Program Office, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Jeff Dufour Editor in Chief, National Journal
Ralph Eberts PFAS Practice Leader, CDM Smith
Isamar Escobar
Patricia Galloway
Paul Giroux Professor of Engineering Practice, Purdue University
Jeffrey Greenfield State University System of Florida
Miranda Grice Graduate Student, Clemson University
Tara Hoke General Counsel, ASCE
Ayanna Howard Dean of The Ohio State University College of Engineering and Monte Ahuja Endowed Dean's Chair
Mohamad Hussein Director, GRL Engineers, Inc. / Pile Dynamics, Inc.
Lori Izakelian City of Long Beach
Andrew Kline Planning Specialist, Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. (TPD)
Maria Lehman Director, U.S. Infrastructure, GHD, Inc
John van de Lindt Colorado State University
Ming Liu
Jeff Lopez City of Long Beach
William Louisell Founder, True Elements, Inc
Lawrence Magura Semi-retired Consulting Water Resources Engineer
Carol Martsolf VP/Chief Learning Officer, Urban Engineers, Inc.
Norma Jean Mattei University of New Orleans
Vijay Mishra Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Terry Neimeyer Senior Consultant, KCI Technologies
Leslie Nolen Director, Educational Activities, American Society of Civil Engineers
Mark Pestrella Director, Los Angeles County Public Works
Julia Pollak Chief Economist, ZipRecruiter
Brooke Poppe Program Engineer, Engineers Without Borders USA
Matthew Reese
Andrew Rella ECOncrete Inc.
Kathi Ruvarac Sr. Transportation Project Manager, CSA Group
Jaclynn Sandoval City of Long Beach
Gerarda Shields City University of New York
Erin Steever Barlett & West
Dan Walker Associate Director of the Center for Technology and Systems Management, University of Maryland, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jessica White