04:00 PM - 05:15 PM
8 October 2024

Future World Vision: Moon Rush - The Story of our First Off-Planet Community

State of the Industry / Profession

The construction of the first off-planet civilization will be the greatest civil engineering accomplishment in the history of humanity. ASCE’s Future World Vision initiative is planning for its next new future city, and it will be on the moon. In a cooperative agreement with others from the omniverse, virtual reality, space science, and movie-making communities, we plan to create “Moon Rush”, a multidimensional media platform and another IMAX movie.

Using that platform, we will explore civil engineering related to lunar exploration, lunar construction, and lunar operations – all based on real Lunar Reconnaissance Orbital data. The engineering and construction challenges of building on the moon requires a level of ingenuity and creativity from the best and brightest minds in our community. 

Constructing a civilization on the moon is the fundamental first step in our journey toward unlocking and harvesting the vast resources of the solar system. In this session, we will get a preview of our Moon Rush plans. Let’s ride the NASA Artemis lunar wave.

